Learn more about Straus News

Print Publications

Hyperlocal publications delivering the news that matters most to the people in the community: news about them. Our papers arrive weekly into more than 150,000 homes in Manhattan, Orange County, NY, Sussex and Passaic Counties, NJ and Pike County, PA.

Digital Readership

Our news sites are updated constantly with new local stories and breaking news, keeping readers up-to-date with the latest in town.

Signature Events

We host events that build community from forums and debates to brewery tours and expos.

Route94.com Calendar

From kid-friendly events to nightlife, hikes, classes, and more, this is the most comprehensive event calendar for where to go and what to do in the towns along Route 94 — the road linking the Tri-State Area.

dirt magazine

Highly engaged eco-conscious readers in and around New York’s historic Black Dirt Region receive dirt magazine. The award winning magazine brings readers closer to the earth, with green-inspired content featuring off-beat local stories.


Where Manhattanites go to find out what’s happening in their part of town, from kid-friendly events to neighborhood shows and performances, talks, classes, and more.




Magazines & Special Sections




Households Weekly


Readers Weekly

Our Publications

Our circulation area covers Manhattan and Orange County in New York, Sussex and Passaic counties in New Jersey and Pike County in Pennsylvania.

About Straus News

NJ - NY - PA


Straus News publishes 17 local weekly newspapers and associated websites in contiguous towns in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The circulation area covers Manhattan and Orange County in New York, Sussex and Passaic Counties in New Jersey and Pike County in Pennsylvania. Straus News also publishes dirt, a magazine covering the local green scene.

Straus News' newspapers are Our Town - Eastsider, The West Side Spirit - Westsider, Chelsea News - Chelsea Clinton News and Our Town - Downtowner in Manhattan; The Warwick Advertiser, The Photo News, The Chronicle in Orange County, NY; The Advertiser-News (North Edition), The Advertiser-News (South Edition), The Sparta Independent, The Township Journal, The West Milford Messenger in New Jersey and The Pike County Courier in Pennsylvania.

Our newspapers and websites focus on local issues that matter to people's everyday lives, from concerns about schools and infrastructure spending to who's who in town and soccer scores. We pride ourselves on our commitment to reporting the tough local stories while highlighting the success and achievements in our neighborhoods.

The newspapers have won numerous awards for news coverage, editorial and advertising excellence, including first place for in-depth reporting from the Local Media Association for a series about heroin addiction entitled "High in Sussex County," and a prestigious National Education Writers Award for "Middle School Principal Tests Boundaries with Home Visit."

The newspapers are distributed to more than 150,000 homes each week.

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